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Inch Wide, Mile Deep – What Partners Should Look for in Their Recruitment Consultant

Inch Wide, Mile Deep – What Partners Should Look for in Their Recruitment Consultant

written by Simon Morley

​In the ever-evolving landscape of legal recruitment, the days of one-size-fits-all agencies have given way to specialised outfits that delve deep into niche sectors. For legal professionals seeking a strategic move, partnering with the right recruitment consultant is paramount. In this guide, we explore the crucial factors partners should consider when selecting a recruitment consultant, focusing on the intricate needs of the legal sector in the UK.

 1. Deep Sector Knowledge

The legal profession is multifaceted, with various specialisations such as real estate, employment, dispute resolution, and more. When contemplating a lateral move, it is imperative to engage with a recruitment consultant who possesses an in-depth understanding of the specific legal discipline. The consultant should be well-versed in industry moves, maintain a robust network with clients, and comprehend the market dynamics that influence the legal sector.

2. Solid Track Record

A reputable recruitment consultant should be able to provide a comprehensive track record of successful placements within your legal sector. Partners should inquire about past achievements, seeking evidence of the consultant's capabilities and the positive impact they have had on the careers of their candidates.


3. In-Depth Client Knowledge

Information is the cornerstone of a successful lateral move. An effective recruitment consultant should possess a profound understanding of potential employers – who is actively seeking, the motivations behind their recruitment efforts, the typical client following required, remuneration structures, and equity details. This knowledge empowers partners to make informed decisions aligned with their career objectives.


4. The Business Plan

A seasoned consultant should not only guide partners on structuring their business plan, but also tailor it to fit seamlessly with the ethos of the new firm. They should demonstrate the ability to identify client synergies, ensuring that the move aligns with both the partner's goals and the strategic vision of the prospective firm.


5. Understanding of the Individual

Above all, a recruitment consultant must possess a profound understanding of the partner seeking a move. This goes beyond the surface level – the consultant should delve into the partner's practice, client portfolio, key drivers (financial, geographical, external pressures), and reasons for considering a change. This personalised approach ensures that the move caters to the partner's unique needs and aspirations.


In the realm of legal recruitment, the term "consultant" holds significant weight. To secure the optimal move, partners must seek guidance from experts who transcend the role of mere recruiters and instead function as specialised consultants. By choosing a consultant deeply entrenched in the legal sector, partners can navigate their career transitions with precision and confidence.
